APerk finish carver control

This example shows control. The tooth and chain cannot get pulled into the wood, the patented area forces the chip, therefore no kickback.


Notice the flimsy limb is not being pulled onto the chain and bar.  

Posted on 2013 Dec 09 by admin
APerk log flattening tutorial

27 inch timber log flattening example.

Posted on 2013 Dec 09 by admin
Angel Carving


I carved this Angel for my daughter who lost her baby at 8 months.  This is my third carving ever.  I carved her with both of my manufactured bars, the Patented Finish Carver and the Concevity Bar (regular carving bar).  I also used a couple of small tools for the hands and face.  She is a welcomed addition to our yard and the birds love the new feeder. 

I would like to encourage amatuer carvers or want to be carvers to try my Patented Finish Carving Bar because there is less worry of cutting to deep on your project. 




Posted on 2013 Nov 26 by admin